Social Media MARKETING

facebook / twitter / linkedin / Youtube

Facebook claims that they are 89% accurate when it comes to targeted campaigns.

Managing social networks from a performance and results perspective

A strong social media presence is demanding and complex when designed and structured for results. This is only possible with a multidisciplinary team specialized in different areas, with the capacity to effectively achieve the best results.

social media marketing: SMM

Social media marketing is a way to exploit social networks, online communities, blogs, encyclopedias or other internet collaboration platform media for marketing, public relations, and customer service maintenance pioneering. also known as social media marketing, social media marketing, social media integrated marketing, mass weak relationship marketing.

in network marketing, social media refers to a comprehensive site with a network nature, and their content is provided voluntarily by users, rather than a direct employment relationship. This requires social thinking, not traditional mindsets.

Social Media Marketing

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It is also known as social media marketing, social media marketing introduction, social media integrated marketing, mass weak relationship marketing, is the use of social networks, online communities, blogs, encyclopedias or other internet collaboration platform media for marketing, public relations and customer service maintenance and development of a way.

Simply, social media is a tool and platform for people to communicate and share opinions, insights, experiences, and opinions through writing, commenting, sharing, discussing, etc., usually it allows users to spread valuable content on their own. Common social media platforms are Facebook (General user), twitter (celebrities and public figures news), LinkedIn (professional personals), YouTube (video), WhatsApp and WeChat and so on. They all share two common features: one is many people, and the other is spontaneous transmission.

The “social media marketing” is to use these social media to convey brand and product information to most users through interactive activities, videos, pictures, copywriting, etc., and form self-communication.

In this process, enterprises can listen to the voice of users, promote their own products, and subtly influence customers.


person holding black iphone 4

Why do we need SMS marketing?

SMS marketing is mandatory,Mandatory here is not to force users to buy, but to force users to read. in general, if there is no problem


Characteristics of a good SMS campaign?

when we carry out SMS marketing, we need to spend time preparing for the SMS marketing copywriting, SMS marketing content should not be too long,

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